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The process...

1. Contact Us

Email us, phone us about a property that interests you.

Think about which suburb you want to live in. Do you need to live close to bus stops, supermarkets, restaurants, beach, dog parks, schools, pre-schools, close to the main road, away from roads... .

6. Meeting to sign up


In the Conditional Offer of Tenancy, the date to meet up to sign the lease will be stated. We will come to your place to sign the agreement. We will go through what is expected of you, and what you can expect from us. 

REMEMBER: you are signing a LEGALLY BINDING document. Read it carefully ! 

2. Visit the property

We'll decide on a day and time to visit the property. If the property already has tenants, we need to give 48 hours to the tenants before visiting the property.

5. Receive Conditional Offer of Tenancy


You will receive a letter (via email) from us with the conditional offer of tenancy. It tells you the cost of getting into the property -

  • 4 weeks bond,

  • one week's rent in advance


If you don't meet any of our conditions, we reserve the right to withdraw the offer.

3. Fill out the application form
If you decide that the property suits you, use our online application form to fill in. If you don't have easy access to a computer, we can give you the application form on paper when we meet. You will need to scan and email it to us, or send it to our letter box. We'll have to dust it off :)

4.  The Decision

We do our due diligence. We ring your past landlord, your employment, the references that you have provided. We also do a credit check to make sure that you have been paying your bills and rent. 
We need to choose the RIGHT tenant.

We will email you if we decide that you haven't been successful. 

7. Moving In Day

If possible, we like to give the key to the property a day before so that you have a full day to move in. This, however, depends on the outgoing tenant, and if we need to clean the home before you move in. 

Initial Property Inspection

This is an important document and it will take time to walk around the property and for both parties to agree on the condition of the home before you move in. 

We take a lot of pictures of the property so that there are no mis-understanding of the condition of the property when you first moved in. 

8. The first week

It's a good opportunity of making sure that we haven't missed anything out in the property inspection. Great opportunity if you discover a maintenance issue that we missed, and to give us any type of feedback

9. Regular Property Inspections


These checks are important as it gives us an opportunity of 
1) staying in contact, 

2) check to make sure of the repairs that you may have missed (or think that you don't need to mention to us as it's minor), 

3) to make sure that you are caring for the property , AND
4) it is part of our INSURANCE obligations.

10. Moving On

It goes without saying that if you pay the rent on time, take care of the property, have a good relationship with your neighbours, we want you to keep on renting from us...but..

There will be a day that you will want to end your tenancy.
If you are breaking your fixed-term lease, then you'll need to pay "breaking lease' fees. See the Tenancy Services Website for more info

If your periodic or fixed-term tenancy is coming to an end and you don't want to renew, you must give, in writing (email preferable) at least 21 days’ written notice to end the tenancy, unless we agree to a shorter time. 

How to give notice: 
The law says that every notice to end a tenancy must:
* be in writing
* give the address of the tenancy 
* give the date when the tenancy is to end 
* be signed by the person giving the notice.

11. Moving Out

Before you give us the keys back to us, we will visit the property and see if the property has been left in the condition that you received it. 

If there has been any damaged the property, we will talk to you about it and cost of repair or replacement is taken out of your bond. Alternatively, we will invoice you. 

12. Where can you find more information... 

...about your obligations as a tenant and our obligation as a landlord?
Check the Tenancy Services Website run by the government. 
Or email us, ring us. 

© 2013-2020 Naked Dog Designs

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